Digital Classroom

Digital Classroom
In education from K-12 and in the post-secondary years, the digital classroom has come to mean a wide range of initiatives and processes, and may include digital tools and gadgets as a part of the learning space or environment.
a digital classroom has the potential to be entirely personalized for each student to connect with the right content, peer, or audience at the right time—and ‘scale’ insofar as that potential can be replicated for every student every day without the direct and persistent ‘programming’ of a teacher. It’s easier to put students, student progress, and student work on display in a digital classroom. Digital classroom is the most iconic: the technology. Whether hardware or software, Wi-Fi or LANs, operating systems or social media channels, the technology of a digital classroom is the most visible part for many, and thus can seem the most crucial. How it’s different than traditional classrooms: It never stops changing. The workflow in a digital classroom provides more opportunities for creative feedback, critical evaluation, authentic ‘real-world’ contexts, psychological support, etc.
Here are some of the main benefits of using technology in the classroom.
• Improves engagement. ...
• Improves knowledge retention. ...
• Encourages individual learning. ...
• Encourages collaboration. ...
• Students can learn useful life skills through technology. ...
• Benefits for teachers.